Player Code of Conduct

Yourself as a Player

1a) I will remember the primary reason KCSC exists is for you (the player) to enjoy playing Soccer. Therefore, I will participate because I want to, not just because my parents or coaches want me to.

1b) I will remember that winning isn’t everything – that having fun, improving skills, making friends and doing my best are also important.

1c) I will do my best to show self-control. Fighting, trash talking, inappropriate language or showing excessive aggression are not acceptable at KCSC.

1d) I will try my best, both in training and on match days. I will remember it is not my ability that is important, rather my desire to improve and help my team to the best of my ability, even if the team’s desired on-field result has already been achieved or can seemingly no longer be achieved.


Your Teammates

2a) I will strive to set a positive example for others, particularly young players and supporters.

2b) Part of playing soccer is learning to be part of a team that can rely on each other. Therefore, I will make efforts to support my teammates in all situations, both during training and match days.

2c) I will not criticize the mistakes of our teammates. Mistakes are a natural part of soccer and are often a sign that players are trying new things. I will instead support them through encouragement.


The Club

3a) I will remember that all the staff members of KCSC are there to help me. I will respect their opinions and treat them with respect.

3b) I understand that if I wear KCSC uniform outside of official club times or locations, I am still representing the club, and should act accordingly with the club’s core values.



4a) I will treat opponents with due respect at all times, irrespective of the result of the game. This includes opposition players, coaches and spectators.

4b) I will remember that league officials (referees and other league representatives) are there to help me. I will accept their decisions and show them respect.

4c) I will shake hands with match officials and opponents after every game.

4d) I will treat the changing rooms and facilities of all Clubs you visit with respect


Zander King KCSC Club Director 


Cameron Marshall KCSC Assistant Manager
